Everytime I put my hands on a new type of paper, an entire Merry-go-round starts creating itself in my head and I can't resist not to transform it into reality.
This happened when one of my university teachers gave me a wonderful, "Earth coloured" paper - I instantly saw it becoming...this:

And in the nature:

* the first four photos are taken by a friend - Creativ Hobby
it is a great idea!
Thanks for sharing it...
Thank you, Norberto!
nice work >> i need to know how to do this if you can show me
Hi Safeya!
It's not much I can teach you, maybe the most important thing is to make the circle ( Spiky Star ) - http://tavin15.blogspot.ro/2010/04/spikey-star.html
After that, it's up to you what models you decide to hang on it: different types of kusudama, butterflies, hearts, flowers...anything you want. You can also decorate it with pearls and beads, and there you have it!
Here is a link where you can see all my mobiles, maybe you take some ideas: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3951914190392.159013.1056262064&type=3&l=275370cab2
Lovely model and fantastic pictures! I was so impressed by it that I had a dream :)) I met with you in a bus station and you were holding the carousel in your hands and it was very small - the entire thing was almost as a A5 paper.
Haha, thank you Diana, I'm glad to hear it wasn't a nightmare! :D
It's not that small..,although you're starting to give me ideas.. :))
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