And then, because a friend in need is a friend indeed, I asked another great origamist - Ecaterina Vasile, to give me some directions for turning my cubes into...balls. :)
And so, 220 cubes later and 1320 pieces of paper, I have two spheres.
For this one, the pink pieces of paper measure 3cm, and the yellow ones, 1.5cm:

For the next one, the black pieces of paper measure 6cm, the blue measure 3cm, and the white ones, 1.5cm:

ID de ym mai e valabil?
Dap. :)
Foarte dragute! Felicitari Adina!
Multumesc frumos, Stef!
Hello I love your craft, I would like to know if you can share some of the instructions? Thanks
Yoy... Ce fain... Dar, se foloseste lipici? Sunt curios cum se imbina?! ...
Si profit de acest comentariu. Ai putea sa ma inveti cum se fac funditele de hartie? pt ca acele ma fascineaza f tare. Mersi, si felicitaaari.
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