Friday, September 19, 2008

Share with others

On the Origami Romania forum we lunched a campaigne in order to promote origami - Share with others! ( click here for more information )
The idea of this campaigne, started by four forum members ( Adina, Cridiana, Elsix and Horatiu ) is to give origami to people in an indirect way: by leaving the models in the bus, or banks, or postal offices, or in any public place that comes in our minds.
On the models we will write our forum address, or simply just write "origami", so the person who will find the paper will be able to find out more about it just by doing a Google search.
We decided to do this because we believe that origami is an art that deserves all the attention and should be better known in our country.
And just like the name of our campaigne says, beautiful things are meant to be shared with others.


Ivani said...

I'll do it in my city. (PIrassununga,SP, Brasil)

Adina Rusu said...

Hello, it's great joy for us to see our idea is appreciated, thank you for supporting it!

Nicole said...

Wow Adina, e foarte frumos ce puneti voi la cale, o sa incerc sa fac si eu asta in Canterbury, sper sa-mi amintesc cum se face un cocor :). Te pup, si mult noroc!

Adina Rusu said...

Nico, ma bucur mult ca-ti place ideea si ar fi super sa o aplici si tu in Canterbury, si sa le faci si poze cocorilor! :D

Anonymous said...

In Thailanda inca nu s-a facut un astfel de forum, dar ...