On 27th October, Secom organized a very cozy and joyful event, at Van Gogh Cafe, in Bucharest.
Over 40 guests sat down and enjoyed a nice cup of coffee, surrounded by origami decorations and pieces of paper that were soon to become colorful cranes.
I left Van Gogh Cafe with the feeling of a wonderful experience. I enjoyed collaborating with Secom's team, made of young and enthusiastic people, and I enjoyed meeting their guests, who were happy and willing to experience the art of paper folding.

Lindas fotos! Adorei!
Thank you, Adriana! The guys that took the photos did a very good job indeed!
Cat de multa dragoste pentru origami! Ma bucura sa vad ca la fiecare eveniment la care participi se vede pasiunea pentru hartie, din care dai si celor din jur!
Kiddo, iti multumesc nespus pentru cuvintele frumoase!
Felicitari, Adina!
Iubesc acea atmosfera! Se vede bucuria pe fetele tuturor!
Origami asta transmite... bucurie, fericire, dragoste!
Felicitari pentru eveniment. Sunt minunate modelele dar si pozele. Cum a zis si Maci, se vede bucuria pe fetele tuturor.
Cat de frumos e sa vezi incantarea si satisfactia unui adult ca a reusit el, cu mainile lui, sa faca un cocor!
Felicitari si la cat mai multe evenimente de acest gen.
This is a great poost thanks
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