oua;;; nu pot ssa cred ca exista ceva asa de frumos. cum reusesti? ne vorbesti si noua , fetelor de pe http://veryscrap.exprimetoi.net/forum.htm ? pliz.. teasteptam
OH MY GOD, Adina, sooooo beautiful!!!!! Theese last two posts are amazing! Such beautiful boxes, with the bows and the curlers...but theese curlers are different, aren't they? They are more...errr, curled! :D
Can you please send me some link that explains how to do the bows, please? I'm into bows now and theese are just perfect for some ideas i've been doing with fabric. I'll send you some pictures later, I promise. :)
And, by the way, I was needing some boxes like theese you posted, with the lid smaller and the base more of a cube, instead of the classical box, theese are great to put in some of my bigger pieces, can you please tell me also how to make them?
Thanks a lot sweety, have a great week and keep doing those wonderful things that amaze us all!
Thanks everyone for all your kind words and esteems!
Ana, I edited my post and i wrote at the end the diagram for the bow. :D As for the box, check Tchami's blog: http://tchami-origami.blogspot.com/2008/04/caixa-alta-base.html
Thank you so very much for the help, you're really amazing! =) I'll try them asap and will sure send you some pictures with my origami-fabric-bow experiences! ;)
Buna Adina! Chiar ca te lasa cu gura cascata frumusetile astea! Stau asa si ma uit la ele si ma gandesc ca...ar fi ceva foarte special sa le folosesc la nunta ca si cadouri pt oaspeti :) Ce zici de o comanda?? I'll keep in touch.
sunt superbe cutiutele, felicitari :x Am incercat si eu sa fac fundita si m-am impotmolit la pasul 11, dar greseala cred ca porneste de la 9. Poti sa-mi explici pls care e smecheria?:)
Corina, la pasul 9 ( ca si la 13 si 15), se foloseste foarfeca. Ai grija sa tai exact pe muchie, pe indoitura, nu taia prin alte parti. Astept sa-mi spui daca mai ai nemuriri.
Sunt superbe toate si se simte pasiunea depusa! Dar... daca nu e cu suparare, as vrea sa iti dau un sfat: nu mai incarca atat de tare cutiile, e prea mult. Ar fi perfecte cu o singura fundita , fluturas, etc. Spor la lucru!
Hi Adina! I just still loves the twirl rose, but cant find any explanations for, how to make them anywhere. Is it possible you can help me with that? Have a friend who want to learn it, but cant explain it to her :(
Krystyna, you've made a lovely design, you have all my admiration for all your works! But I have to mention that I found this model under the name of "Twirl Rose", not "Butterfly". Do you prefer the latter better than the first?
Wonderful! Maravilhosos!
Thank you Vania!
I loved them.. just great, congratulations
oua;;; nu pot ssa cred ca exista ceva asa de frumos. cum reusesti? ne vorbesti si noua , fetelor de pe http://veryscrap.exprimetoi.net/forum.htm ? pliz.. teasteptam
la cat mai multa inspiratie :)
OH MY GOD, Adina, sooooo beautiful!!!!! Theese last two posts are amazing! Such beautiful boxes, with the bows and the curlers...but theese curlers are different, aren't they? They are more...errr, curled! :D
Can you please send me some link that explains how to do the bows, please? I'm into bows now and theese are just perfect for some ideas i've been doing with fabric. I'll send you some pictures later, I promise. :)
And, by the way, I was needing some boxes like theese you posted, with the lid smaller and the base more of a cube, instead of the classical box, theese are great to put in some of my bigger pieces, can you please tell me also how to make them?
Thanks a lot sweety, have a great week and keep doing those wonderful things that amaze us all!
********hugs and kisses*****
Thanks everyone for all your kind words and esteems!
Ana, I edited my post and i wrote at the end the diagram for the bow. :D
As for the box, check Tchami's blog: http://tchami-origami.blogspot.com/2008/04/caixa-alta-base.html
Dear Adina:
Thank you so very much for the help, you're really amazing! =)
I'll try them asap and will sure send you some pictures with my origami-fabric-bow experiences! ;)
Thank you so much!
Buna Adina! Chiar ca te lasa cu gura cascata frumusetile astea! Stau asa si ma uit la ele si ma gandesc ca...ar fi ceva foarte special sa le folosesc la nunta ca si cadouri pt oaspeti :) Ce zici de o comanda?? I'll keep in touch.
P.S Sper ca esti bine si esti fericita!
sunt superbe cutiutele, felicitari :x
Am incercat si eu sa fac fundita si m-am impotmolit la pasul 11, dar greseala cred ca porneste de la 9.
Poti sa-mi explici pls care e smecheria?:)
Multumesc Nicoleta, ma bucur mult ca iti plac!
Corina, la pasul 9 ( ca si la 13 si 15), se foloseste foarfeca. Ai grija sa tai exact pe muchie, pe indoitura, nu taia prin alte parti. Astept sa-mi spui daca mai ai nemuriri.
am reusit ! ms mult :)
Sunt superbe toate si se simte pasiunea depusa! Dar... daca nu e cu suparare, as vrea sa iti dau un sfat: nu mai incarca atat de tare cutiile, e prea mult. Ar fi perfecte cu o singura fundita , fluturas, etc. Spor la lucru!
These are so pretty!
Hi Adina!
I just still loves the twirl rose, but cant find any explanations for, how to make them anywhere. Is it possible you can help me with that? Have a friend who want to learn it, but cant explain it to her :(
In fact, this kusudama in the box is my own design named "Butterfly".
Krystyna Burczyk
Krystyna, you've made a lovely design, you have all my admiration for all your works!
But I have to mention that I found this model under the name of "Twirl Rose", not "Butterfly". Do you prefer the latter better than the first?
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