It happened just the other day, when I visited the gallery of Cristina Leau, an 18-year-old art-student, whose paperwork for degree was a project called "The magic of paper". For this, she designed a beautiful and amazing dress, using tessellations and made entirely out of paper.
Here are some photos:
And here is a nice video that presents all her work:
Congratulations Cristina!
Cristina, esti o adevarata artista ! am vazut niciodata asa ceva in viata mai am cuvinte....Felicitari !
Ma bucur enorm, pentru Cristina si o admir pentru munca ei, inedita, poate chiar prima in Romania.
Si, Adina, felicitari pentru acest post!
Superb!N-am ce altceva spune. Este pur si simplu superb!
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