Now, at the beginning of a new year, we all look back thinking what we did good and what we did bad in the past one; what good, or not so good things happened to us, and what we want to improve in the year we have ahead of us.
But I think the most important it's to look back and say: the past year I gained one more friend, I met one more interesting person, I learned something new.
I'm happy to tell you that I did that in 2011, and not only once.
Origami, as always, lead me to meet new people and helped me create a new form of communication. This is how I gained an entire family in Denmark, I met passionate origami people from the Romanian Origami Forum and I got to collaborate with people who, even though didn't have origami as a hobby, they trusted this form of art and decided to use it in their projects and campaigns.
Such an example is Simona Alexoaei and Monica Pescaru, who wanted to bring in the Japanese Restaurant Sushi Ko the magic of an Origami Christmas Tree.
Here is the result: